Wednesday, May 31, 2006



Gordon's Posing Mix

My personal trainer, Gordon, asked me to produce the music for his posing routine when he competes in body building this summer. I've produced his routines for the past couple years, and this year he challenged me to use the "Mission Impossible Theme", Bubba Sparks' "Ms. New Booty" and Big & Rich's "Save A Horse" all in a 90-second mix. Sounds impossible? Well, I say mission accomplished. BTW, the clanks in the mix are when he flexs certain muscles during the routine. Download the file and crank it up.

First mobile blog!

First mobile blog!

Protein Shakes

Try these superb shakes and mix things up!
BobyBuilding.com's Protein Shake recipes

Try the Peanut Brittle Protein Shake, The Hulk, Cinnamon Roll Protein Shake.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Three Months Later...

It's been about 3 months since I've had time to post anything on life, and I'm taking about 10 minutes to do just that. 2006 has been an interesting year so far, and I could sense it from the very beginning. The career is changing, my body is changing, and looks like more is to come still. First of all, I've been on this weight training/diet plan since the end of January, and I've lost nearly 30 pounds. That's awesome. I'm enjoying the workouts, and my trainer knows how to push me...almost to the point of thowing up at times. I've upchucked from drinking and being sick, but never from working out too hard...yet. I still have a lil gut that still needs work, but my arms and legs have stopped shrinking, and now I'm building up muscle there. All in all, I'm still in the "nothing is better than cardio" stage, and I want to drop another 20 before I decide whether to really bulk up or try another marathon. It's one or the other, because they both have completely different diets. I guess it all depends how the stress level will be with work.

The FOX owned and operated TV stations are getting a new Web site design. They are starting with the New York station now, and by end of summer, they'll have all 25 of their stations with the new look. It's gonna be great. The stuff you will be able to do on the new designs is so extremely customized...like nothing I've seen on any other Web site. Kudos to FOX! But, that means they're adding 5 new positions to our station, including my own job. So I have to apply for my own job to keep it, and I'm not sure which direction it's gonna go. Check back mid-June, and I'll have a blog update with the real scoop...

And the outcome of that job will determine if I buy a bigger and better place to live in St. Louis or not. The next 45 days will be challenging. I'm still looking forward to some travelling this summer, too. I hope to get out to my girlfriend's condo Ft. Lauderdale, a concert at Red Rocks in Mitchell, Colorado, and hope to see my great friends Rob and Tracy in Dallas again.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Day 1 of Personal Training.

So, I took the big step of meeting with a personal trainer, and I'm saying goodbye to my night-owl life, vending machine binges, and now taking on this incredible challenge....then follow it up with yet another marathon. My workouts start this week, and they'll be early in the morning at 7:00am. I've been changing my diet already, packing in protein, dropping sugars and fried foods, and drinking a gallon of water a day. I piss so much now it hurts by the 8th time in one day! But, I must get used to it. I'm tired of the yo-yo dieting, I'm tired of dropping 20 or 30 pounds only to gain it back. This is the change I've been waiting for. By the way, this is a pic of my trainer. I'm gonna lose 50 and in the process gain tons of muscle. So here goes...I mean, c'mon! I've got a new pair of jeans that I bought 10 years ago I'm dying to wear! And I've got a Paul Oakenfold t-shirt I bought at his concert that's hanging on my wall as inspiration. This is a must-do!